Welcome To CP Industries


At CP Industries, we utilize the Machine Assembly department to bring balance by representing the needs and perspectives of the end-user to the design planning of customer specifications. When it comes time to fabricate, the aforementioned perspective, along with customer satisfaction, are forefront in our minds.

When required, the team at CP Industries designs on the fly, customizing parts and pieces as required. As the design evolves with customer needs and input, Machine Assembly strives to fabricate components that enhance each gage or fixture for the end-user application.

This focus provides a higher standard in quality and creates a long-standing relationship with our customers, providing mutual benefit.

CP Industries’ Machine Assembly department leaves no feature overlooked. Cosmetic detailing, painting and labeling, and electrical and sensor work are often required to ensure end-user ease of use. To meet and exceed customer expectations, this high level of refinement and polish is a regular & disciplined part of the assembly process.

At CP Industries, we utilize the Machine Assembly department to bring balance by representing the needs and perspectives of the end-user to the design planning of customer specifications. When it comes time to fabricate, the aforementioned perspective, along with customer satisfaction, are forefront in our minds.

When required, the team at CP Industries designs on the fly, customizing parts and pieces as required. As the design evolves with customer needs and input, Machine Assembly strives to fabricate components that enhance each gage or fixture for the end-user application.

This focus provides a higher standard in quality and creates a long-standing relationship with our customers, providing mutual benefit.

CP Industries’ Machine Assembly department leaves no feature overlooked. Cosmetic detailing, painting and labeling, and electrical and sensor work are often required to ensure end user ease of use. To meet and exceed customer expectations, this high level of refinement and polish are a regular & disciplined part of the assembly process.

More Information

Joel Sommer
Project Manager
<a href=”tel:5742733000″>574-273-3000</a> x238